When i fight bears to get there salmon i like break dancing to distract them, then while they are stunned by my mad skillz i grab their salmon and book it.
"Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is." -yoda
Age 33, Male
me lazerte
Joined on 5/18/07
When i fight bears to get there salmon i like break dancing to distract them, then while they are stunned by my mad skillz i grab their salmon and book it.
i usaly cast flare
How is your say going?
Sheit, *day.
oh preety awsome
That bear got pwned! :) that remidns me of the film without a paddle that's a da,mn good film!
never seen the film, but yeah the bear got his ass wooped
Great, done anything new or interesting??
i totaly am failing a class at shcool im doing it purposely though
i live in canada and i know for a fact we dont fight bears...and even if we did....we wont cheat by a low blow...we will fight with some honour...BOO
http://www.pc.gc.ca/pn-np/ab/banf f/visit/visit12_e.asp
thats hilarious how you think we dont have bears :D
Canada has bears? Make a game about that!
omg omg omg
that would be an awsome game
Score one for Canada!!
This is a great video. Saw it a long time ago, and still love it now.
Building off Wiiporter's post.
Maybe a side scroller where your a Canadian bear the fight other Canadian animals like moose, and beavers and stuff. And you fight things in like the different provinces. Like gophers in Saskatchewan and stuff.
NGs doesn't have enough Canadian content :D
oh god damn i still have that idea i started with someone else but never finished , it involves a beaver and a rocket luancher.
if i can ill release it on july first (canada day)
but yeah i would like to release more canadian content on newgrounds.
Oh my god... I haevn't seen this movie in years, its so freaking funney.
nice im glad i could be of help :)
lol! That bear.... that bear....
Anyways, I know two simple games, (I'm trying to learn actionscript, too) one is a spaceship game and the other is a platformer.
thats really really broad
i generaly dont like spaceship games though, they barely ever are done right and the ones that are would never be simple.